
Productive Series Reservoir Characterization and Petroleum Geology of the Lower Kura Depression, Southeastern Shemakha-Gobustan Trough and Baku Archipelago, Republic of Azerbaijan
- The executive companies: GIA, Earth Sciences and Resources Institute, University of Utah
- The year of publication: October 1996
- Code: # 96-5-20924
- Volumes: total 3
volumes with appendixes in same amount: 3
This report performed in 1996 by GIA and Earth Sciences and Resources Institute, University of Utah (USA) consists of 3 volumes and dedicated to study of characterization and structural features of the Productive Series (Lower Pliocene) - basic reservoir of the South Caspian basin.
The study area consists of three main structural zones to which the oil and gas fields and unproven anticlinal structures are confined: the Lower Kura depression, the Shemakha-Gobustan trough and the Baku Archipelago.
The first volume includes the results of regional studies of structural features and stratigraphy of the Productive Series. These studies include the geophysics, velocity and seismic interpretation, seismic-wireline log correlation, sedimentology and subsurface correlation of outcrop sections, thin section description, paleomagnetic results on outcrop sectios.
The second volume deals with reservoir correlation and properties of the Productive Series. There are te results of such studies as analyses of petrographic and mineralogic properties of the rocks of V-VIII horizon (by Karadag nomenclature), factors, controlling small-scale reservoir quality, study of binary images of thin sections, binary mosaic images and radial power spectra, incremental and Cummulative Mercury Injection curves.
The third volume includes the description of the structure, summary of oil and gas production, petrographic descriptions of individual fields the studied region. Altogether there is a description of 31 onshore and offshore fields.
The report includes numerous tables, images and graphics.
Volume 1. Structural Stlyes and Stratigraphy
Chapter 1. Tectonics and Structural StylesChapter 2. Geophysics, Velocity and Seismic InterpretationChapter 3. Seismic-Wireline Log CorrealtionChapter 4. Stratigraphic Nomenclature and Wireline Log Correlation of the Upper Productive SeriesChapter 5. Kichik Kharami Outcrop Section: Sedimentology and Subsurface CorrelationChapter 6. Babazanan Outcrop Section: Sedimentology and Subsurface CorrelationChapter 7. Kirmaki Valley Outcrop Section: Sedimentology and Subsurface Correlation
- Appendix 1A. Thin Section Description of Samples from Outcrop Sections
- Appendix 1B. Paleomagnetic Results from Outcrop Sections
Volume 2. Reservoir Properties and Correalation of Productive Series Collectors with an Emphasis on Horizons V-VIII (Karadag Nomenclature)
Chapter 1. Wireline Log Response and Correlation of Horizons V-VIIIChapter 2. Petrographic Summary
- Appendix 2A. Color Plates
Chapter 3. Clay Material Properties of Horizon V
Chapter 4. Factors Controlling Small-scale Reservoir Quality
- Appendix 4A. Binary Images of Thin Section
- Appendix 4B. Binary Mosaic Images and Radial Power Spectra
- Appendix 4C. Incremental and Cumulative Mercury Injection Curves
Volume 3. Oil and Gas Fields of the Lower Kura, Southeastern Shemakha-Gobustan and Baku Archipelago Regions
Chapter 1. Summary of Oil and Gas ProductionChapter 2. Alyat-deniz Field
- Appendix 2A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 3. Babazanan Field
- Appendix 3A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 4. Balykly FieldChapter 5. Beyuk Kharami FieldChapter 6. Bulla-deniz Field
- Appendix 6A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 7. Byandovan FieldChapter 8. Byandovan-deniz FieldChapter 9. Dashgil Field
- Appendix 9A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 10. Durovdag FieldChapter 11. Duvanny FieldChapter 12. Duvanny-deniz Field
- Appendix 12A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 13. Garasu Field
- Appendix 13A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 14. Kalamaddyn Field
- Appendix 14A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 15. Kalmas Field
- Appendix 15A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 16. Karabagly Field
- Appendix 16A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 17. Khamamdag-deniz Field
- Appendix 17A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 18. Khere-Zirya Field
- Appendix 18A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 19. Khilly FieldChapter 20. Khydyrly FieldChapter 21. Kichik Kharami FieldChapter 22. Koturdag FieldChapter 23. Kyanizadag FieldChapter 24. Kyurovdag Field
- Appendix 24A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 25. Kyursangya Field
- Appendix 25A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 26. 8 March Field
- Appendix 26A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 27. Mishovdag Field
- Appendix 27A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 28. Neftechala Field
- Appendix 28A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 29. Pirsagat Field
- Appendix 29A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 30. Sangachal-deniz FieldChapter 31. Sangi Mugan Field
- Appendix 31A. Petrographic Descriptions and Plates
Chapter 32. Solokhai FieldChapter 33. Sabail and Umid Structures

Joint Study of Reservoir Rocks and Source Rocks of Talysh Zone, the Azerbaijan Republic
- The executive companies: GIA / Amoco
- The year of publication: February 1997
- Code: -
- Volumes: total 1
volumes with appendixes in same amount: 1
Talysh zone has been an object of long-term exploration, it has been studied from all the aspects: geology, geophysics, pertology and volcanicity, as well as oil and gas content. The objective of the present paper is to study of Oligocene and Miocene deposits of Talysh zone for the purpose of studying reservoir and source properties of the rocks, these deposits consist of, to establish the source of wash-down and the facial pecularities of sedimentation basin.
The present paper is divided into six chapters.
The first chapter contains the information of general character concerning the history of geological and geophysical study of the Talysh zone. The principal results of the research conducted are mentioned, these results used in the process of performing the work under discussion.
The second chapter reflects the Talysh zone geological and tectonic structure according to the data obtained by all the previous explorers. The summary stratigraphic column of volcanogenic and sedimentary units of Talysh is enclosed as well as geological and tectonic map of Talysh, the latter scale being 1:200.000.
The third chapter chapter gives the correlation of Oligocene-Miocene units sections within Yardymly and Jalilabad sinclinoria. This chapter is made up of data, available from published literary sources, the sections of the above units being used. The above sections were sampled and described by the authors of the present report. In the process of the sections zonation and correlation the results of the gathered macrofauna and microfauna definition were used, as well as the data concerning lithology and radioactivity. In the process of correlation the material obtained from wells # 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (including log diagrams from wells # 3, 6 and 9), drilled in the near Novogolovka village (South-Mugan uplift). The summarized material concerning the units correlation is presented graphically in the form of columns, the scale being 1:5.000; the results obtained being used in the last chapter, telling about the dynamics of these distribution within structyral zones.
The fourth chapter consists of four parts:
- Lithological and physical characteristics of the units rocks, this characteristics being based upon the results of the study cencerning petrography, granulometric composition and mineralogical composition of the rocks, as well as their physical parameters - carbon content; porosity and permeability.
- Petrographic description of facial differences of Oligocene-Miocene units rocks.
- Radioactivity of rocks
The obtained data concerning the rocks structure and texture, composition and state of clastic material, the level of the rocks grains roundness and sortedness, the presence of fauna, as well as the authigenous minerals composition and the cementation character, are usedwhile considering the conditions of the units formation and while making paleogeographic reconstructions.
The fifth chapter is dedicated to the dynamics of Oligocene-Miocene units distribution about North-Talysh and fore-Talysh zones. This chapter is compiled on the basis of the data obtained by analysis of studied units different facies and thicknesses distribtuion within Yardymly and Jalilabad sinclinoria. For this purpose geodynamic profiles are built for specific periods of time, maps of thicknesses and facies are made for Oligocene-Miocene and Sarmat periods, these maps covering also the issue of sea and landre relationship, wash-down sources and sedimentation conditions in the process of the region formation.
The sixth chapter considers the issue of oil and gas bearing capacity in the region. The chapter is based upon th edata obtained for the study of wildcats and exploratory wells, drilled in North-Talysh zone in different years. As a result of this study we could find out oil horizons confinement to Chockrak and Sarmat deposits, this chapter is compiled on the basis of analysis of data concerning the rocks reservoir properties and probability of oil and gas accumulation there.
The work is completed with conclusions and the list of literature sources.
Chapter 1. Histiry of Geological and Geophysical Studies in Talysh
Chapter 2. Geological and Geophysical Constructions
Chapter 3. Correlation of Oligocene-Miocene Deposits of Talysh and fore-Talysh zones
Chapter 4. Lithological and Physical Characteristics of Oligocene and Miocene units of Talysh
Chapter 5. Geodynamic Environment of forming Cenozoic units of Talysh
Chapter 6. Some issues of oil and gas content of the region

Pliocene "Red Series" Reservoir Characterization and Organic Geochemistry of Hydrocarbons and Source Rocks, Western Turkmenistan Onshore and Offshore Shelf
- The executive companies: GIA / Turkmenistan Polytechnical Institute (TPI) / Energy and Geosceince Institute (EGI)
- The year of publication: February 1996
- Code: # 5-20982-2-98
- Volumes: total 4
volumes with appendixes in same amount: 7
This report presents the results of a study carried out as a colloborative effort by the Energy & Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah (EGI), the Balkan Research Petroleum Institute (BalkanNIPINeft) in Nebit-Dag, Turkmenistan and the Geology Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Siences (GIA) in Baku, Azerbaijan. The involvement of BalkanNIPINeft took place under the auspices of the Turkmenistan Polytechnical Institute (TPI) in Nebit-Dag.
The study which commenced on February 1, 1997, was performed by scientists from EGI, BalkanNIPINeft and GIA, using data supplied by BalkanNIPINeft and GIA. Most of the work wsa done in EGIs offices in Salt Lake City. The database which is specified in detailed in individual chapters of the report, consists essentially of core samples, wireline logs, oil samples and seismic lines from both offshore and onshore areas of Turkmenistan (Enclosure 1.1).
The report comprises four volumes. The first covers the regional structure and stratigraphy of western Turkmenistan, and includes a sequence-stratigraphic study of the Red Series. Volume II examines the nature of the reservoirs in the Red Series, based mainly on petrographic observations, and identifies the factors controlling variations in small-scale reservoir quality. Volume III characterizes the pertoleum charge system using both conventional geochemical and thermal-modeling techniques and also a novel statistical method of analyzing oils data. Volume IV presents displays summarizing field geology; information on poduction tests; pressure decline and formation water composition; and core analysis data, including results of mercury capillary pressure analysis, for individual field. In addition this volume contains thin-section photomicrographs for fields from which core samples were available.
VOLUME I. Regional Structure and Stratigraphy
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Appendices
List of Enclosures
Chapter 1. Introduction and Databases
Chapter 2. Tectonics of southwestern Turkmenistan
Chapter 3. Regional tectonic setting and structural style
Chapter 4. Stratigraphy of southwest Turkmenistan
Chapter 5. Regional sequence stratigraphy of the Red Series in the Southern Caspian Basin
Chapter 6. Habitat of oil and gas
VOLUME II. Reservoir Distribution and Quality
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Plates
List of Appendices
Chapter 1. Factors controlling small-scale reservoir quality
Chapter 2. Turkmenistan core samples - mineralogy
Chapter 3. A note on large-scale reservoir quality
VOLUME III. Properties and Origin of Oils and Gases
Executive summary
Geochemical summary
Table of contents
List of figures (Appendix 3.1)
List of tables (Appendix 3.2)
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Methods Of Investigation2.1 Turkmenistan Chemical Analysis2.1.1 Bulk Analysis2.1.3 Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID)2.1.4 Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) C7 Analysis2.1.5 High Temperature Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection2.1.6 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)2.2 Azerbaijan Chemical Analyses2.3 Data Analysis2.3.1 Mango Temperature of OIl Generation Calculations2.3.2 Numerical "Unmixing" Procedure2.3.3 Representation of Model Results
3.0 Results3.1 Bulk Analysis3.1.1 Rocks3.1.2 Crude Oils3.2 GC / FID Results3.2.1 Rock Extracts3.2.2 Crude Oils3.2.2.1 Gasoline Range3.2.2.2 Mid Chain and Heavy End3.2.2.3 C9 - C18 Trace Component Analysis (GC-FID) HTGC-FID Results3.3 GC-MS Results3.3.1 Rock Extracts3.3.2 Crude Oils3.4 Vitrinite Reflectance and TAI Results3.5 PVA Fingerprinting Results3.5.1 data Set 1: Azerbaijan Gasoline Range Model3.5.2 data Set 2: Turkmenistan Gasoline Range Model3.5.3 data Set 3: Azerbaijan Alkane / Isoprenoid Model3.5.4 data Set 4: Turkmenistan Alkaline / Isoprenoid Model3.5.5 data Set 5: Azerbaijan Biomarker Model3.5.6 data Set 6: Turkmenistan Biomarker Model3.5.7 data Set 7: Azerbaijan / Turkmenistan Generic Biomarker Compound Class Model
4.0 Burial History and Maturity Modeling4.1 Introduction and Objective4.2 Methods4.2.1 Stratigraphic Model4.2.2 Thermal History Model4.2.3 BMOD Calculation parameters4.3 Results
5.0 Interpretation5.1 Introduction5.2 Source Rock Characterization5.2.1 Azerbaijan5.2.2 Turkmeinstan5.2.3 Comparison of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan Source Rocks5.3 Crude Oil Characterization5.3.1 Azerbaijan5.3.2 Turkmenistan5.3.3 Comparison of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan Crude Oils5.4 Calculation of Hydrocarbons Generated5.5 Petroleum System Synthesis
VOLUME IV. Oil and Gas Field Data (Text and Enclosures 1.1 - 5.1)
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Plates
List of Appendices
Chapter 1. Cheleken
Chapter 2. Komsomol
Chapter 3. Koturdepe
Chapter 4. Barsa-Gelmes
Chapter 5. Burun
Chapter 6. Nebit-Dag
Chapter 7. Kum-Dag
Chapter 8. Karadepe
Chapter 9. Kyzyl-Kum
Chapter 10. Guydzhik
Chapter 11. Erdekli
Chapter 12. W.Erdekli
Chapter 13. Gograndag
Chapter 14. Ekiz-ak
Chapter 15. Bugdaily
Chapter 16. South Bugdaily - Korpedzhe - East Kamyshldzha
Chapter 17. Kamyshldzha
Chapter 18. South Kamyshldzha
Chapter 19. Okarem
Chapter 20. Keymir
Chapter 21. Ak-Patlaukh
Chapter 22. Chekisler
Chapter 23. Fersman and a general note on the Offshore fields
Chapter 24. Ogurchinskaya
Chapter 25. Zhdanov
Chapter 26. LAM
Chapter 27. Livanov

A study of the "Productive" and "Red" Series Sedimentary Sequences of the Caspian Sea, Offshore Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, with Biofacies / Chemstrat Correlation
- The executive companies: GIA / Geochem Group Limited
- The year of publication: September 1998
- Code: # 97/1529/001/003/004/01
- Volumes: total 5
volumes with appendixes in same amount: 5
The onshore South Caspian region of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan has a long history of oil exploration that goes back to the very earliest days of the hydrocarbon age. For a brief period in the early part of the 20th Century, oil production from Baku exceeded tha from the whole of the USSR. Huge quantities of oil estimated at over 1.7 billion tons have been extracted from this region over the last 100 years.
However, the development of the oil resources of the South Caspian offshore region is still in its infancy. Industry predictions suggest that the potential of the Caspian offshore may exceed 28 Gb (Gb=billion barrels), the equivalent of over one year world demand, with peak production of 32 Mb/d by the year 2025 (Campbell, 1998).
Unitl recently the hydrocarbon system of the South Caspian region was only poorly understood. Considerable advances to the understanding of the source rock and generation of hydrocarbons has arisen from non-exclusive industry studies and publications already completed by the Geochem Group and the Geology Institute of Azerbaijan. Since 1997 the geological literature on the region has improved considerably following publication of various summary papers.
The South Caspian Basin has a geological history that dates back only to the Oligocene, overlying Basement dated as old a Early Jurassic. However, most of the sediments within the basin are dated as no older than Late Neogene, even though a sedimentary section of up to 25-30 km is known. This is a seismically active region that is in the early stages of continental collision, and sedimentation rates since the Early Pliocene are amongst the highest ever recorded for a sedimentary basin. Very high sedimentation rates do not provide the optimum conditions for microfossil preservation and the entire drilled reservoir section may occupy less than the span of one microfossil zone. "Conventional" biostratigraphy cannot therefore be undrertaken on the sedimentary section. Separation of depositional units and criteria for correlation have been mainly based on wireliness to date.
Sedimentary packages in different areas of the South Caspian Basin have been deposited from separate river systems, leading to further prblems of sequence characterization and correlation.
The present study attempts to address some of these problems using techniques of biofacies subdivisions on the basis of reworked (recycled) microfossils and chemostratigraphy that have not previously been applied to the section.
The study also benifits from the inclusion of large amounts of prevously unreleased geological and geophysical data.
Interpreted seismic profiles and field maps showing the location of closures in relation to structural separation within fault compartments are available for most of the fields. These data, as typical for the former Soviet Union, come in a variety of vintages and quality. Electric logs are available for all of the fields that also come fom an initial databases of variable grade. All of these dta have been scanned and redigitised, where necessary, to provide an up to date exploration compendium of standartized high quality information, most of it also available on CD.
This study is an invaluable resource base for operations interested in becoming involved in the future exploration of the South Caspian Basin. The undeveloped hydrocarbon resources of the South Caspina have been put on a par by some pundits with those of Saudi Arabia. It is a region that no recognized operator will be able to ignore in the early years of the new millennium.
1. INTRODUCTION1.1 STUDY BRIEF1.2 REPORT LAYOUT AND PERSONNEL1.3 BRIEF HISTORICAL BACKGROUND1.4 STUDY DATABASE1.5 GEOLOGICAL SETTING1.5.1 Plate Tectonic Setting and Origin of the South Caspian Basin1.5.2 Basin Limits1.5.3 Sediment Fill of the South Caspian Basin1.6 STRATIGRAPHICAL SCHEMES1.6.1 Introduction1.6.2 Regional Stratigraphy, Mesozoic / Cenozoic; Jurassic; Cretaceous; Tertiary1.6.3 Stratigraphy of the Productive Series and Red Series
2. INTEGRATED GEOLOGICAL AN DGEOPHYSICAL DISCUSSION2.1 INTRODUCTION2.2 SEISMIC PROFILES OF FIELDS2.2.1 Gyuneshli Field2.2.2 Chirag Field2.2.3 Azeri Field2.2.4 Promezhutochnaya Field2.2.5 Livanov West Field2.2.6 Livanov East Field2.2.7 Barinov Field2.2.8 Gubkina Field2.2.9 LAM Field2.2.10 Zhdanov Field2.3 DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT2.4 CORRELATION2.4.1 Correlation framework2.4.2 Productive Series2.4.3 Red Series2.5 SEQUENCE ANALYSIS2.6 HYDROCARBON PROSPECTIVITY2.6.1 Source rocks2.6.2 Reservoir rocks2.6.3 Traps2.6.4 Seals
3. STRATIGRAPHICAL RESULTS3.1 INTRODUCTION3.2 BIOSTRATIGRAPHY3.2.1 Introduction3.2.2 Gyuneshli Field3.2.3 Chirag Field3.2.4 Azeri Field3.2.5 Promezhutochnaya Field3.2.6 Livanov Field3.2.7 Livanov East Field3.2.8 Barinov Field3.2.9 Gubkina Field3.2.10 LAM Field3.2.11 Zhdanov Field3.3 CHEMOSTRATIGRAPHY3.3.1 Introduction3.3.2 Statistical Sample Screening3.3.3 Discriminant Function Analysis3.3.4 Discussion of Statistical Result3.3.5 Summary
4. GEOCHEMISTRY4.1 INTRODUCTION4.2 SOURCE ROCK INTERPRETATION PARAMETERS4.2.1 Organic Facies and Source Richness4.2.2 Thermal Maturity4.3 INDIVIDUAL WELL INTERPRETATION4.3.1 Well Azeri-14.3.2 Well Azeri-44.3.3 Well Azeri-54.3.4 Well Barinov-44.3.5 Well Chirag-14.3.6 Well Chirag-44.3.7 Well Gubkina-54.3.8 Well Gubkina-104.3.9 Well Gyuneshli-14.3.10 Well Gyuneshli-184.3.11 Well Gyuneshli-44.3.12 Well LAM-194.3.13 Well lAM-244.3.14 Well LAM-264.3.15 Well Livanov-24.3.16 Well Livanov-54.3.17 Well Livanov-64.3.18 Well Promezhurochnaya-14.3.19 Well Zhdanov-324.3.20 Well Zhdanov-364.3.21 Well Zhdanov-64.4 CONCLUSIONS
5. PETROGRAPHY5.1 INTRODUCTION5.2 LITHOLOGY5.2.1 Gyuneshli Field5.2.2 Chirag Field5.2.3 Azeri Field5.2.4 Livanov Field5.2.5 Livanov East Field5.2.6 Barinov Field5.2.7 Gubkina Field5.2.8 LAM Field5.2.9 Zhdanov Field5.3 DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT5.4 DIAGENESIS5.5 RESERVOIR QUALITY5.5.1 Gyuneshli Field5.5.2 Chirag Field5.5.3 Azeri Field5.5.4 Livanov Field5.5.5 Livanov East Field5.5.6 Barinov Field5.5.7 Gubkina Field5.5.8 LAM Field5.5.9 Zhdanov Field5.6 FACTORS CONTROLLING RESERVOIR QUALITY
- Listing of studied sample material
- Chemical stratigraphy methodology
- Chemical stratigraphy data
- Lithological description of samples analysed for chemical stratigraphy
- Thin section descriptions and photomicrographs
- SEM data and photomicrographs
- XRD data and diffractograms
1 Detailed location map of fields and wells, Absheron Sill2 Regional cross-section of the fields of the Absheron Sill3A Correlation of the Productive Series3B Correlation of the Red Series>4 Correlation between the Productive and Red Series
5A Palynological distribution chart, Gyuneshli-15B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Gyuneshli-15C Nannofossil distribution chart, Gyuneshli-15D Stratigraphical summary log, Gyuneshli-15D Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, Gyuneshli-16A Palynological distribution chart, Gyuneshli-46B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Gyuneshli-46C Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, Gyuneshli-47A Stratiographical summary log, Gyuneshli-168A Palynological distribution chart, Guyuneshli-188B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Gyuneshli-188C Nannofossil distribution chart, Gyuneshli-188D Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, Gyuneshli-189A Stratigraphical summary log, Gyuneshli-8310A Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Chirag-410B Stratigraphical summary log, Chirag-411A Stratigraohical summary log, Chirag-512A Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Chirag-612B Stratigraphical summary log, Chirag-613A Palynological distribution chart, Azeri-113B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Azeri-113C Stratigraphical summary log, Azeri-114A Palynological distribution chart, Azeri-414B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Azeri-415A Palynological distribution chart, Azeri-515B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Azeri-515C Stratigraphical summary log, Azeri-516A Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Promezhutochnaya-116B Nannofossil distribution chart, Promezhutochnaya-116C Stratigraphical summary log, Promezhutochnaya-116D Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, Promezhutochnaya-1
17A Palynological distribution chart, Livanov-517B Micropalaentological distribution chart, Livanov-517C Stratigraphical summary log, Livanov-518A Palynological distribution chart, Livanov-618B Micropaleontological distribution chart, Livanov-618C Stratigraphical summary log, Livanov-619A Palynological distribution chart, Livanov-820A Palynological distribution chart, Livanov-1221A Palynological distribution chart, Livanov East-1522A Palynological distribution chart, Livanov East-1623A Palynological distribution chart, Barinov-423B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Barinov-423C Nannofossil distribution chart, Barinov-424D Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, Barinov-424A Palynological distribution chart, Gubkina-524B Micropalaeontologoical distribution chart, Gubkina-525A Palynological distribution chart, Gubkina-1025B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Gubkina-1026A Stratigraphical summary log, Gubkina-1128A Stratigraphical summary log, LAM-1029A Palynological distribution chart, LAM-1929B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, LAM-1929C Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, LAM-1930A Palynological distribution chart, LAM-2430B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, LAM-2430C Stratigraphical summary log, LAM-2430D Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, LAM-2431A Palynological distribution chart, LAM-2631B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, LAM-2631C Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, LAM-2632A Palynological distribution chart, Zhdanov-632B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Zhdanov-632C Stratigraphical summary log, Zhdanov-632D Chemostratigraphy downwell plot, Zhdanov-633A Stratigraphical summary log, Zhdanov-2034A Palynological distribution chart, Zhadnov-3234B Micropalaeontological distribution chart, Zhdavon-3235A Stratigraphical summary log, Zhdanov-3536A Palynological distribution chart, Zhadanov-36